1. Disclosure of personal information to third parties
      We will not disclose your personal information to another person unless you have given consent or if one of the exceptions under the Privacy Act applies. Where possible, the information that could reasonably identify you as an individual is first removed.
      2. Exceptions
      Except as set out above, it will not disclose your information to a third party unless one or more of the following applies:
      (a) you have given your consent for us to do so;
      (b) you would reasonably expect us to use or give that information for another purpose related to the purpose for which it was collected (or in the case of sensitive information – directly related to the purpose for which it was collected);
      (c) it is otherwise required or authorised by law;
      (d) it will prevent or lessen a serious threat to somebody’s life, health or safety or to public health or safety
      (e) it is reasonably necessary for us to take appropriate action in relation to suspected unlawful activity, or misconduct of a serious nature that relates to our functions or activities;
      (f) it is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of a law conducted by an enforcement body.